This page displays sold house prices for Malinda Street in Sheffield.
Malinda Street in Sheffield S3 consists predominantly of flats. Properties on Malinda Street typically have values around £200,000 - £250,000, with exceptional properties valued upwards of £300,000.
53 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EH
£290,000 |
Other, Freehold |
18th August 2015 |
89 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EH
£120,000 |
Detached house, Leasehold |
27th July 2000 |
89 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EH
£103,000 |
Detached house, Leasehold |
11th January 1999 |
89 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EH
£258,500 |
Detached house, Leasehold |
14th July 2006 |
Apartment 11, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£95,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th May 2012 |
Apartment 6, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£95,500 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
30th June 2010 |
Apartment 2, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£92,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
29th July 2010 |
Apartment 1, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£115,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
16th July 2009 |
Apartment 4, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£120,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
8th May 2009 |
Apartment 14, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£135,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
10th December 2007 |
Apartment 7, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£123,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
22nd January 2008 |
Apartment 11, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£103,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
13th June 2014 |
Apartment 8, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£149,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
10th April 2008 |
Apartment 3, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£114,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
7th March 2008 |
Apartment 12, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£153,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
30th January 2008 |
Apartment 9, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£119,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
9th May 2008 |
Apartment 15, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£157,500 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
30th January 2008 |
Apartment 5, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£149,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
3rd March 2008 |
Apartment 10, The Denison, 56 Malinda Street, Sheffield S3 7EF
£90,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
18th May 2012 |