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"Im not sure if I can trust them again?"

A review of Moscar Kennels by Gary....... written on Tuesday 2nd of February 2016


I took both my dogs into moscar at short notice after being recommended by a neighbour, this was the second time in 6 mnths, the last time being the early december, now both my dogs are fit, and the eldest being tough as old boots & has never had any issues before, but since we collected him we noticed his right rear and front paws were red - but thought nothing on at the time till we caught him licking the life out of them which is unusual, so on inspection we noticed raw skin in between his toes, so we had him too the vets, they said its a possibility something has irritated him for him to lick the living daylights out of his paws?, now I cannot prove it was Moscar, he was fine before I took him in and moscar was the only difference in his normal routine, its now tail end of January / early Feb and his paws are slowly healing its been an up hill struggle with antibiotics and a pretty much perminant neck brace to stop him licking but we are getting there - I for one don't like using kennels for obvious reasons, but also the day i picked them up - I was waiting from 8am as arranged to collect them at 8.30 eventually someone turned up to unlock the premises just past 9am - I dont know about the security and who looks after the place after hours, but I dont like this setup. I'm yet to find a good kennels that I can trust 110% with my babies..

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