A review of Whites Press Agency Ltd by JUSTICE FOR THE 96 written on Thursday 28th of April 2016
Myth: Four days after the disaster, The Sun newspaper published its now infamous front page under the headline "The Truth" claiming some fans had "picked the pockets of victims" and had "urinated on a woman police officer" who was trying to help the dying. Other regional and national newspapers published similar allegations, although less prominently. What we know: The article was based on a story filed by White's news agency in Sheffield that quoted "unnamed officers" as well as the Conservative MP for Sheffield Irvine Patnick. This slur on fans' behaviour originated from police inspector Gordon Sykes who, while giving evidence at the inquests, admitted sharing unfounded allegations by Hillsborough officers with Paul Middup, the secretary of the South Yorkshire Police Federation, and Mr Patnick. White's later admitted that the source of the "unsolicited" claims came from four "high ranking" SYP officers..
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