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"First job from leaving school in 1969"

A review of C F Fieldsend & Co Ltd by Anonymous written on Tuesday 19th of January 2021


I went to work at CF Fieldsend on furnace hill in 1969 this was my first job from leaving school. I started work at 07:30am until 16:00 I was a trainee moulder and I worked with some brilliant chaps i can't remember most of their names but some that do spring to mind was Chick he worked on the hot casting side of things. There was a Mr Cyrl Dun he was a Moulder and he was training me my first wage was £4 a week as a trainee moulder I can remember that our snap room was just across from the main entrance and up some stairs to where there was tables and benches to sit. The one thing I can remember is the old clocking in machine where you put your card in and pressed a lever and your time was marked on your clocking in card. Everybody who worked there was so friendly but that could be because I was only 15 at the time. The main offices was through the main entrance and up some stairs can't remember if they was on the left side or right side. The work was heavy going and very very hot due to the melting furnace and the hot casting. I worked at CF Fieldsends for about 6 months before heading to a better job with better pay. I can't believe that it is 51 years since I was at CF Fieldsends..

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C F Fieldsend & Co Ltd

Map showing C F Fieldsend & Co Ltd on Furnace Hill