A review of Abbeyfield Mother & Baby Unit by Annonymous written on Thursday 30th of March 2023
I went into abbeyfield end of 2016 heavily pregnant, my son was not due till January and I got put in there around Novemberz I wanted to spend Christmas with my family but that was not allowed, the Christmas here is absolutely horrible staff are vile people and do gang up on you alot!, The staff complained because I had appertantly "too much shopping" because I was one of them that would top up on everything ever week! This was appertantly not allowed! I put my son's pram in the outdoor shed and found 3 dead rats in it! Had to buy my newborn baby a new pram even when that was a new pram! Staff made me do everything on my own when I was on the top floor and I had two of my son's one new born and one 2 year old and shopping to carry up loads of stairs! No help at all. Staff will slag you off completely with other mother's and then that's everyone against you.staff will tell other parents what you in there for and so on. Absolutely horrible place.! I also was in there for a good 9 months and constantly seen mother's loosing they baby's I was one of them..
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