A review of Abbeyfield Mother & Baby Unit by Anonymous written on Thursday 1st of February 2024
I was sent to Abbeyflelds by the courts and I had to agree to be there to keep my child, as soon as I get there my son had to be feed ever 2 hours becouse of joindest for a couple of days then it changed to feed on demaned, I told all the staff it had changed but they still keep reminding me every 2 hours to feed my son, then they said I was over feeding him, some of the staff are nice but some of them or not nice and can be horrible, I also had two infactions while I was there and was told to rest but becouse I was there to get an assessment there was no time to rest and enjoy being a mum, I got told I was doing to much and I gad to let my partner do some things, yeh I know I have a learning disability but it does not stop me from taking care of my child, I did not need to be reminded to feed or bath or keep clean clothes on my child's back, I just wanted to be a good mother but sadly they used my learning disabilitie as away to take my child away from me, also said my partner did nothing, he did everything he could and he was seeing his other children too, all they do is lie and don't really help.
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