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"Not a prison"

A review of Remar UK by Elizabeth teeven written on Thursday 7th of May 2009


I worked in Remar for 2 yrs 6mths in Spain and 18mmths at sheffield. The things that are going round about it being like a prison by people who have been brought there,as either a drug addict, or an alcoholic,and many other addictions.Yes there are rules,and there has to be,as the addict will say anything to get out and have a fix! So they need restraining,but they are told if they want to leave they can do. Yes theire books get taken off them and kept safe, in a safe! till they have got through their detox,which is without medication called cold turkey! But what they do not tell people is that these people in REMAR look after them all night as they go through this detox!with all the love of GOD they do this,as they have all come through the same thing and do not want any-one else to go through what they have gone through.So please leave REMAR and the people in it to carry on the Lords work,after all people on the outside wont help the addicts,but REMAR does care who they are and wants them to get better..

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Remar UK

Map showing Remar UK on Matilda Street
