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A review of Remar UK by Marco De Castro written on Saturday 15th of August 2009


I can't believe what people say,without any knowledge of the cause. Thanks to God ,I have spent 4 years in Remar UK,and has changed my life for good.I have done some evangelism in the streets of London,and when I went first time I could not believe what i saw.How many people are lost,and they are just allowed to sleep around in certain areas of the city,because would cause a big shame for the country if they hang around near Buckingham palace.Thats a shame for a big country ,and people is always ready to criticise but not ready to help. Now I am a new person ,and I had more joy working as a volunteer to Remar than working now and getting paid. Thanks to God,his work and his servants that helped me to change my life..

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Remar UK

Map showing Remar UK on Matilda Street
