A review of Remar UK by Carole morris written on Monday 4th of October 2010
I spent a year with remar working voluntary in radford.Madrid and portugal,i met some amazing people who had drug,alcohol addictions.I saw first hand how these addictions destroy lives.Met many people some of who are no longer with us suffering with aids.Meeting these people realy made me a more compassionate human being.Although i dont agree with everything remar do at least they are doing something and reaching out to people who realy have no hope.miguel diez and his wife realy do have a heart for these people,i have met them.I will challenge you christians who just fill a seat in church and you think you done your bit.What are you doing to make a change or a difference.If jesus was here on earth where would he be?not in a church but with the poor,drug addict,the alcoholic,the homeless.We all have a responsability as christians so hey lets not just talk the talk lets walk the walk too..
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