Home > Sheffield Street Index > Bold Street

Bold Street

This page shows businesses on Bold Street. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


A & R Motor Services Ltd

Commercial Vehicle Bodybuilders and Repairers

Address: 33-35 Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Aspect Distribution (Yorkshire) Ltd

Security company

Address: 11-23 Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Climate Services

Air conditioning supplier

Address: Unit 1, Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LQ

David Woodhouse

French Polishing

Address: 30 Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Elvey Security Distribution

Cctv and Video Equipment

Address: 15 Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR


Haybrook Mortgage Administration

Mortgage Brokers

Address: 3 Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Joinery Manufacturers Ltd

Joinery Manufacturers

Address: Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Lincoln Welding Supplies

Welding Equipment Sales and Service

Address: 31 Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

National Care Standards Commission

Health Authorities

Address: Ground Floor Unit 3 Waterside Court, Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Pen Cutting Tools Ltd

Cutting Tools and Machinery

Address: Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR

Profile Interiors Ltd


Address: Bold Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LR


Map showing Bold Street in Sheffield.
