Home > Sheffield Street Index > West Mall

West Mall

This page shows businesses on West Mall. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Claires Accessories (UK) Ltd

Fashion accessories shop

Address: 4 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

Evans Ltd

Clothes shop

Address: 30 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

Lloyds Pharmacy


Address: 21 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

New Look

Clothes shop

Address: 32-33 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

Shoe Zone

Shoe shop

Address: 36 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN


The Photo Wizards


Address: 41 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

The Works

Book shop

Address: 32-33 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

Thomas Cook Ltd

Travel agent

Address: 35 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN

Williams Electrical

Consumer electronics shop

Address: 37 West Mall, Upper Mall Level, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 7PN


Map showing West Mall in Sheffield.
